Best Pyke build for League of Legends season 12

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If you’re a League of Legends support tired of sitting on the sidelines while the rest of your teammates soak up all the glory, then Pyke might be the next champion you should pick up in your next solo queue game.

The Bloodharbor Ripper is one of the most frightening champions to face off against on Summoner’s Rift, because just like a horror film, the only thing you’ll hear is an ominous musical sting before this assassin-support jumps in from stealth and drags you down to the deep end of your gray screen.

Pyke does, however, need to build a certain path to maximize his potential while he continues to strike names off of his list. If you want to support your friends in an aggressive, vengeful way, here is the best Pyke build in League season 12.



Hail of Blades: Most of Pyke’s rune choices are best used when staying aggressive. For example, when he jumps forward with his Phantom Undertow and gets a successful stun, he can activate Hail of Blades for his next few auto attacks to deal some good trade damage in lane against his opposing duo.

Cheap Shot: Cheap Shot is another useful early-game tool that gives extra true damage on champions with impaired movement or actions. Since he has plenty of crowd control to activate this effect, he can deliver even more punishment in the early stages of a game while keeping the pressure up on his enemies.

Zombie Ward: Since Umbral Glaive is a key item for Pyke, this rune allows him to provide some easy wards for his team. As more wards are placed as he clears out enemy vision during his many roams, it allows him to keep track of the enemy jungler so he can respond to any ambushes.

Ultimate Hunter: Pyke’s ultimate ability, Death from Below, is a game changer that can turn the tide in any teamfight, especially if things are cutting a little close for comfort. He’ll want to have the ability up as much as possible, so he can start executing enemies that are dropped to low health during a skirmish.


Bone Plating: Just in case Pyke runs into some resistance during an engage, Bone Plating will help him soak up a little bit more damage than he would have been able to otherwise.

Unflinching: This rune is necessary for Pyke to get out of any crowd control that bogs down his movement speed since he needs to continuously swim around a teamfight, threatening to engage at any moment.

Bonuses: +9 adaptive force, +9 adaptive force, +6 armor.


Starting items: Steel Shoulderguards, two health potions

The extra gold Steel Shoulderguards gets for both you and your lane partner will help kickstart your assassin-like build so you can start roaming a lot earlier to gank other lanes and join fights around the bottom side of the map.

Core build: Mobility Boots, Umbral Glaive, Duskblade of Draktharr

Umbral Glaive is the perfect item to pair with Pyke because of his ability to quickly roam around the map with Ghostwater Dive’s bonus movement speed. He doesn’t even need to use Oracle Lens to spot out wards since Glaive automatically detects wards and traps for him.

Duskblade, on the other hand, is the best item for a typical assassin build that allows Pyke to kill an enemy with his ultimate, disappear with the item’s invisibility passive, and strike once again after repositioning. It’s a great tool that allows him to find angles of attack that wouldn’t have been available otherwise.

Final items: Youmuu’s Ghostblade, Edge of Night

Youmuu’s gives Pyke another source of movement speed that can help him jump scare anyone around the map. Not many people will expect Pyke to arrive as quickly with the combination of his Ghostwater Dive, along with Mobility Boots and the Ghostblade’s extra 20 percent movement speed. 

Meanwhile, Edge of Night is another typical assassin item that blocks an enemy ability with a 40-second cooldown, giving him a way to tank some crowd control before diving into the backline to stun and eliminate some of the opposing team.

If you do find yourself dying a lot during teamfights, Guardian Angel might be an option you should consider so you get a second chance to find some kills.
